Contenido ventas internacional
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Contenido ventas internacional
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O todos en la cama…o todos en el suelo, este refrán popular le da vida a una divertida comedia en la que siete muchachos universitarios con diferentes culturas, costumbres y formas de pensar, conviven en una vieja casa. Allí, crean sus propias leyes hasta llegar a convertirse en una familia muy particular, en la que todos se brindan apoyo, amistad…y amor!

Por supuesto, la edad de nuestros personajes, es una edad en la que descubren los secretos más difíciles, pero a la vez maravillosos de la vida, y esto ocasiona que se vean envueltos en las más locas y divertidas situaciones pero, siempre que tienen dificultades eligen la solución más sencilla: O TODOS EN LA CAMA, O TODOS EN EL SUELO!


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REBECCA: Es la paisa (de Medellín) del paseo, estudia veterinaria y aunque parezca mentira es tímida pero no tonta ni santurrona. Se cohíbe al hablar con los muchachos, pero despliega toda su ternura y simpatía con los animales. Es una madrugadora y una “pila” (buena) estudiante.

INES MERCEDES: Es la cachaca (de Bogotá) del grupo. Sus actividades giran en torno a sus amigos, la rumba y sus estudios de comunicación social. Es una chica extrovertida, alegre, despreocupada y muy ordenada debido a que creció entre siete hermanos varones. Inés Mercedes es una líder por naturaleza. Representa a su curso en el consejo estudiantil de la Universidad a la vez que organiza conferencias, fiestas y una que otra huelga contra los profesores.

JULIAN: Proviene del Valle del Cauca, y es un fanático número uno del deporte. Los practica todos, desde el fútbol hasta los aeróbicos. Cualquier actividad que le represente ejercitar el cuerpo le encanta.  Se cuida en su alimentación como nadie lo hace en el apartamento y trata de inculcar a sus compañeros la necesidad de cuidarse invitándolos a trotar a las cinco de la mañana.

EDUARDO: A diferencia de todos sus compañeros Eduardo, un boyacense moderno y buena gente, es un obsesionado por el orden y la limpieza de su cuarto y el apartamento. Siempre permanece pulcramente vestido y es el encargado de organizar los turnos para el uso del único baño que existe en el apartamento. Estudia Administración de Empresas.

JUAN MANUEL: Este es un paisa rumbero, loco, amiguero, bohemio y despreocupado por el estudio. Su simpatía lo convierte en el centro de atención ante las chicas. Le encanta la música y pinta muy bien.

GUILLERMO: Es un costeño estudiante de Leyes muy alegre más no corroncho (sin clase). Le encanta el periodismo y la política. Es un tipo serio y consagrado al estudio. Él toma la iniciativa para arrendar el apartamento.

PABLO: Es pastuso, dormilón conciliador de problemas, tierno, metódico, serio y posee vena de poeta lo cual aprovecha cuando se ve corto de dinero escribiendo cartas por encargo. Además, estudia agronomía.


From the insides of Habana, in 1925, a black Cinderella is born filled with flavor, talent and transcendence: Daughter of a humble family, she came to this world with the blessing of the Gods and a lucky star that would be with her throughout her life, despite its ups and downs. Her talent, voice and charm transformed her from being a poor, skinny and ugly black girl to the Latin America´s most beloved and successful musical artist around the world. In an age where female singers were classified as tramps, Celia made her way through, beating prejudices and crowning herself as the most important lead singer of the famous orchestra: “La Sonora Matancera”. What seemed to be the way out to a successful career and the solution of poverty and misery, all thanks to music; almost crumble because of a Cuba falling gradually in the strictest military dictatorship, which threatened to bring downCelia´s dreams. Now she not only had to face the whims of an industry run by men but also the harassment, mistreatment and injustice of a system that she never accepted. Feeling her musical momentum vanished and passing a hard time with her family, she receives an invitation, in 1961, to leave the country with the band, without knowing that it would not be temporary but for the rest of her life. Since that trip, Celia would never come back to Cuba again which means leaving her loved ones behind, including her mother suffering from cancer, for exilingin Mexican lands. Beside her at the time was a musician from the band “La Sonora Matancera”, who gradually grew in her heart and became eventually the undisputed love of her life. It was the famous womanizer Pedro Knight, who by the time he showed up in Celia´s life already had 2 recognized daughters and was an unstoppable flirtatious, including among his conquest Celia´s sister, Noris, who by the way stayed behind in Cuba like all of Celia´s close friends and family. However, love is stronger and Celia falls at Pedro´s feet, loving him madly and realizing that close to him she will finds happiness and the strength to conquer the world. Celia´s talent and commitment proved to be stronger than her problems: the Cuban revolution that pursues her, the disagreements with Pedro, her parent’s deaths and the eternal forced exile she had to live with. Her name and charm reached Tito Puente and then Johnny Pacheco, who in those days was bringing together “La Fania All Stars” in the city of New York. A group of the best Salsa musicians in the land, where Celia would be the most valued jewel, and along them, “la Guarachera”, conquered every soul who attended her concerts and every person that bought her records. At the same time, her best friend in Cuba, the talented singer with an extraordinary voice Lola Calvo, now settled in New York after going through a living hell at her country would become Celia´s great rival. Young Lola would be Celia´s negative counterpart, while having practically the same talent and opportunities as Celia, she will show that in order to achieve true greatness is needed more than a great voice. Celia´s love for children was infinite. Around the middle of her life and with the big desire of being a mother we will also observe how that obstacle was established in her soul. Destiny never gave her a child of her own; however, a 12 year old boy from her fans club, with time, will be like her lost son, and would give her the opportunity to love him as a mother, despite Pedro´s jealousy and rejection. Although eventually with time he would accept him. When all obstacles seems defeated, Celia would face her last and hardest challenge, her sister Noris will come from Cuba and will witness the luxurious and successful life that Celia lives. She will suffers envy and also an old and unresolved affection for Pedro will be present. This is the story of Celia Cruz, the not so pretty, black, skinny and shy girl, who never stopped singing and carrying an important message of freedom for her people. She never bought into the fame machine, remained always humble and charismatic, and with commitment achieved everything she aimed in life. With her voice she seduced audiences from different languages and she made her own revolution: to make Salsa music the most important Latino music genre in the world, to be remembered in history as that woman, who far away from her home, honored it and showed us there are no impossible dreams.

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